I am Nya Harden, the owner of Dope Black Moms LLC (DBM). I am a wife and mother of three young children, ages seven, five and two. Although I know I am a DOPE BLACK MOM, often I second guess decisions I make or things I do (or don’t do) for my children. Much of my feeling of “mom-doubt,” is held internally as I try to remain strong externally. Sometimes telling myself or just hearing “You’re a good mom!” is all I need…not for recognition of my efforts, but for reassurance that I’m doing the best I can for my babies. This is how DBM came about. I often find myself trying to give advice to new mothers and I really enjoy it. I get to encourage them and tell them that there will be moments when they will feel sad or beat themselves up over little things. Most importantly, I tell them that it is ok to have those feelings and they are not alone.

“You are a great mother! Its ok! Pat yourself on the back! You’re doing a good job!”

If no one else can tell you these words and EMPOWER you, at the very least, another MOM should be able to.

Words of reassurance, sharing a funny memes or comments and hosting moms celebratory events are a fraction of the thoughts and ideas for Dope Black Moms LLC. There is much more to come. We are all about lifting the spirits and empowering moms. Whether you are a mom of 5 or a mom of 1, a single mom, a married mom, a working mom, stay-at-home mom, a new mom, a mom of miscarriage or stillbirth, a stepmom or a strong active mother-figure….You are a DOPE MOM!